Mario Filipi, On Homeland’s Eastern Doorstep
(Slavonia, summer / autumn of 1991 – captured with camera and the feather)
Price: 120,00 kn
The photomonography of the war reporter and photographer Mario Filipi makes us remind the destructive consequences of the Serbian aggression in the summer and autumn of 1991. The war scenes from Baranya, Osijek, Vukovar and Vinkovci regions, Ilok, Nustar, Laslovo, Nova Gradiska and the surrounding villages document forcefulness of aggression launched by the Greater-Serbian ideologists against the Slavonia and the whole of Croatia. Apart from the photographs, the book also offers partially shortened and rearranged Filipi’s reports for the “Voice of Slavonia” newspapers in September and October of 1991. These reports are, in a way, a diary. The book offers data concerning the events mentioned in Filipi’s reports.